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15,7th March,Yours truely,xoxo
❧ Smile even if it hurts to do so & laugh even if its tiring.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Harvest Moon FTW!

Lets talk about Band camp.(ps.series of events are at random)
Well, band camp was quite fun or maybe just fun o.o Lights out was the best LOL. Sleeping that time, dam funny, keep turning :x cuz I cannot find a comfortable spot if not pain O: the floor dam hard you know!? I turn right, Joyce kick me O: then I turn to the left, Intan was staring at me LOL. While playing the dog and bone or sth, while snatching the bottle with Pengken,I fell down, idk why LOL. LOL LOL, if not I would have win already.our group was the last for this game. Win or lose does not matter, enjoying myself matters. Oh, and Trees & hunter or idk wat, I was one of the 3rd last round survivors, however, I was too slow ._. LOL dam funny we have to snatch one of the squirrels from other 'trees', but fail! LOL. And one more game, CLICK, click was rather funny, we have to find a partner to 'click' before the catcher catch you. So, people tend to panick while the catcher tries catch you. A few times, my partner was being 'click' D: and I have to find another partner. Panick die me. ._. went to 'click' some people from the back and then again, I was being 'click' by others, wtf . Then, i went to click puay yun my senior. Muhaha, my last partner o.o Then, some staff have to clean the parade square or sth so, we did not get to complete the game. Quite tired la but fun.

The day after camp.
Rain like whales and elephants! ._. Have umbrella like don't have like that, whole body wet, bloody hell, shoes & socks were not spared. !@#!@# Make me no mood in the morning. A japanese conductor,No nami or sth come and teach us, I was speechless, sometimes, I do not know what the hell was he talking about. The japanese say when he ask us if we understand, we have to say HAI. LOL i dam ps ._. my HAI is dam LOUD LOL LOL, everyone look at me ._. . There is a time, when the conducter, say something, i go say HAI LOL, no one else say hai, then all look at me =='. While he was talking, in his own world, I was drifting to lalaland ._. close eyes liao, it was like what talking you?! LLOL after th practise, chiong home.

Nothing else to write, till the next time.

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