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15,7th March,Yours truely,xoxo
❧ Smile even if it hurts to do so & laugh even if its tiring.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The end of the chapter.

HEYS! :B im awake already, I shall just post some things for the awesome people of 2/7'10 :D

Samantha; Hey ballball & cookie partner :D Thanks for everything, even though we had lots of serious conflicts last year and so on, look at us now, friends again (: Haha, sharing funny things from Ishaq, Ahmad and others. Laughing at your own jokes on the last day of SEP, make everyone around you laugh, I did laugh btw :B . You will ensure me that things will be alright, still remember the book we bought from popular? 'Friends are forever, men are whatever' ? :D I still have it with me. You taught me how to be independent and more, sadly, im still not independent haha LOL. We fought over minor things, being absolute bitch to each other. Yeah, I was at fault too. Now we learnt to understand each other more then before, knowing each other's situation. I am so lucky to know you. May we continue our friendship to a life long one and bury the past behind us, not making the same mistakes ever again, yeah? (:

Liting; hongchi The 1st few awesome person in class i know during the 1st day of sch, being the ultimate hyper person in class. You never fail to do random things to make everyone laugh. You influence me to be random like you, remember on the 1st few days of sch? :D we were like crazy people. I showed you my badly drawn cookie monster, the times we joke around together including calvin. The times we participated in cross country, sports day and others? :B You are like my sports partner haha, being so sporty. You are one caring person. You never fail to cheer me up (: soccer fan ehhs :B Just want to let you know that iloveyou as a friend, giving super advice to people around you. You are a friend that i will definitely never forget.

Vanessa.y; heichi ALOHA friend, yet another awesome friend, popular like hell :B Spamming twitter almost 24/7 , giving fashion tips . Being an aunty, grabbing cheap things with Whitney. Wheres my keychain teddy bear! O: haha updating me on the caveman with wig LOL. Now i think the caveman with wig is a popular term in our class used to insult people. Oh , we are so evil LOL. Haha, remember the chillroom? O: eating meesua there with jiali LOL wanna take my unglam picture?! not so easy :B jk, dun try LOL. :D one crazy kpop fan i say :B haha nobody can snatch my yesung! :B Also known as the one who oversleeps and being late for outings . Remember the 1st eats outing? haha neoprint taken is still with me LOL shhhhh, lmao i still havent cut it T_T.
The awesome pretty friend i have. :B Ask the boys all siam :B You are mineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D lol.

Whitney; fenhong chi OMGGGGGGGGGGG SO IN LOVE FOUND YOU FINALLY, HAHA LOL. HI saxophone sis, BAN MIEN FTW :B I gain alot from you , and i managed to have some heart to heart talk with you. Knowing you better. I regret being in band, you were the one who motivates me from not skipping band practices. LOL. Thank you very much :D i know we will still see each other alot in band, so sien right, see me from sec1 till sec 4 , lol jk :D kinda short , i meant this post for you, :'l nvm, not much memories with you, just some with you, laughing at pengken together. We shall eat more ban mien okie?! :D tsk, saxophone handshake, im gonna forget it soon and we havent even teach our juniors that. D:

Sarah; baichi GIP GIP! AHHHHH GIP! the one who poke me poke until i scared already T_T ahaha im always successful taking pictures of you giving the tiko smile O: also, thanks to my awesome skill, i managed to take pictures of you smiling :B so pretty okie. I should send you those and you should put it as profile pic! btw haha, saw several zilian pictures(your hp wallpaper) AHAHAHA! im so pro right :B LOL , WHERES MY PRESENT D: haha, crabmeat :B

shall continue tmr/later for the rest of the people.

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